Thursday, October 8, 2009

What is the "L" word?...

The show The L Word was about a group of women that were great friends and most of them lovers. This show tried to represent lesbian women and their daily lives. They were friends with straight people, gay men, transvestites, and cross dressers. They owned businesses and were successful at what they did. Some were married with children, but most were just in a relationship or sleeping around. But, this show represented lesbian women pretty well compared to other shows, it still over dramatized most of the characters actions.

Some of the character personalities were over dramatized, like most shows. There was Niki, a beautiful successful girl that used her good looks to get what she wanted from anyone. Which I think was targeting beautiful women, saying they use their looks to be successful instead of their knowledge. There was Shane, the "manlier" lesbian that slept around with women and didn't want a relationship like most men don't. She constantly had one night stands until the end of series. Some of the characters were just representing why some women choose same sex relationships. Possibly not just because they were truly attracted to the same sex, but they knew what they really wanted out of a relationship. But, the manlier lesbians tend to be just like actual men. They just want sex and no relationship.

The video link above is a short skit of how Niki reacts after her girlfriend breaks up with her. She is over reacting like most girls do in any relationship, at least how girls are shown reacting after a break up in some form of media. I don't think all girls react like this, but it shows how lesbian and straight women are represented as over dramatic. I think, The L Word was a good show, but definitely represented lesbians as more sexual and dramatic then they really are. This is what most people think of lesbians. Just like when most people think of gays, they may relate their thought to Jack from Will and Grace.

After watching this show, I am curious... Does the L in the title of the show stand for lesbian or love? What do you think?

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