Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sex Sells!!

In our most recent reading "Naked Capitalists" it talks about how pornography is the most popular media product. It makes over ten billion dollars a year! According to the reading it makes more money the N.F.L or the M.L.B(pg.49). They also say "adult industry is in many ways a mirror image of Hollywood." But, do you think it could now be the other way around? Yes, porn makes many videos that are comedy, sci-fi, horror, and so on, just like Hollywood does. Now that porn is making so much I think Hollywood and major companies are copying them. Sex has become such a huge part of our society over the past few years. Even though it is not fully accepted, it still gets larger.The music industry, magazines, movies, music videos and more are adopting the sex idea more and more. There are more rap, hip hop, rock, and even country songs that have something sexual in it. For example; Trace Adkins song 'Honky Tonk Badonkadonk'

The magazine industry also uses sex, especially cosmopolitan. They include funny sex stories, new ways to "attract men", and ways to have a better sex life. The cover of their magazine is always a celebrity with a side caption saying "not as innocent as she looks" or "How she is a good 'bad' girl". Whether the celebrity is looked up to for being a good figure or not.

After seeing some of these trends of sexual acts in music videos and magazines who do you think is copying who?

1 comment:

  1. Sex indeed does sell. SEX is everywhere - commercials, programs, movies, books, magazines, billboards, enough is enough. We are being so disensetized to violence against women, sexy poses, scantly dressed women and men, and sex scenes it almost seems dull without it all. Where will it stop, or at least slow down?
