Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Politians Hit Below the Belt.

Bob McDonnell and Creigh Deeds are the two men running for governor of Virginia. There campaigns have been on more frequently for the past few weeks due to election day coming closer. I noticed their campaigns involved a lot of women, but personally I do not think either of them represent women in a good way. They went after our pride and spite against men to win the election. Creigh Deeds has many campaign ads accusing Bob McDonnell of making 35 bills opposing women rights, saying that working women are detrimental to the family, and he is against married women taking birth control. But, Deeds does not say any of this information himself. He gets other women to do it. He knows that we would take that better from other women, but this is a majority of his campaign ads. Attacking the fears of women, saying if they vote for McDonnell they may lose some of their rights to choose. Even if they do not have any proof of McDonnell making such bills. Below are two ads approved by Deeds so you can form your own opinion on if he is protecting women or using them.

You see that McDonnell may have a record, but you see that Deeds ends the ad with a photo of him speaking to a woman. What do you think about that?

Again, he lets the women do all the talking and ends the ad with the same photo. Personally if there is some proof that McDonnell does feel this way about women, I would not vote for him. It does slightly make me angry that he could possibly vote in such a manor and say such things about women being equal, but the point is Creigh Deeds is also guilty of doing something that can hurt women. He used them to get ahead in his campaign against McDonnell.

It doesn't stop there. Bob McDonnell came back with his own campaign ads using women to defend himself. He started putting ads up with him walking with his wife and daughters outside and getting working women to speak on his behalf. He could have just defended himself in a campaign of him speaking and explaining that these accusations came from what he wrote in a paper for his masters degree when he was 34. But, do you think what he said still matters? And do you think his way of defending him self was done right?

He does not say a word in these ads, just lets the woman talk.

This is very insulting that they used women to get ahead in their campaign ads. Even though Creigh Deeds did start the battle, McDonnell did say harmful words and has yet to properly defend himself against such harsh accusations. They both hit women below the belt with this battle. They are using them knowing that they make up a very large population of the votes. Do you think either man running for governor handled this correctly? Or could they have done it in a better way, keeping women out of their battle?

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good post. I am flabbergasted by the politician’s campaigns. It is unbelievable that they would discuss and treat women this way. Do these women in these ads realize that they are being used to win a political battle about "them"? I have never seen anything so childish and ridiculous. I wish we knew what really would happen if either one was elected. Would they treat women unequally? I understand that when you are in a campaign that you need to do all you can, but are these extremes necessary?
