Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Skinny is an Insult...

Skinny means to be very thin and of a natural small frame. To a person that works out almost every day and eats healthy a vast majority of the time, skinny is an insult. You see women in the media being sexual and flaunting their seemingly perfect bodies, but some of them like Jessica Biel, Nicole Scherzinger, Jessica Alba, and more have the right because they worked for it. They show that you can have a great body as long as you put the time and effort into it. I have read articles with Jessica Biels diet and work out and she can eat quite a bit, but she does very complex work outs every day to counter the affect the food she eats may have on her. When she does eat unhealthy she will balance it out with eating good for the rest of the day and adding something to her workout, whether its an extra set of squats to ten more minutes of walking/running. If she doesn't have time to do the work out she wants she goes on walks after her meals. Nicole from the Pussy Cat Dolls (and the entire Pussy Cat Doll group) dances constantly to keep in shape. These women have the bodies to prove it. They don't look like they are skin and bone, you can see their muscle lines on their stomach, arms, legs, pretty much anywhere! Women like them should be advertised more frequently to show girls that if they work at it and stay healthy they can be of a nice fit figure.

I have talked to many women at the gym and almost all of them that have lost weight or toned muscle that get called skinny feel insulted. People make it sound like they didn't work as hard as they did to have the body they achieved. I highly encourage people to seriously analyze their diets. The obesity rate in America has increased drastically over the past few years! Being fit is hard work, if you don't work out on a regular basis, try doing it just 3 days a week for an hour each time and make it as intense as you can handle. Then eat well for a week and see how hard it is to resist delicious fattening foods and cravings of the sweets that you get. But, stop and think of how much more energetic and refreshed you feel by the end of the week that you try this. If you want to continue to eat healthy, but you are unsure of how to change your diet (not go on a diet) go to You can make an account and analyze your diet based on the food guide pyramid to see what you are missing and what you are over eating in.

It is a lot of hard work to stay fit. Fighting cravings, dining out with friends, and parties! Then having to make time to get in that work out every day or every other day! But, if you do this regularly, don't you find it insulting to be called skinny instead of fit?


  1. To be honest with you, at first I was not going to comment because I was really offended by this post, but then I thought that it be important to leave you with a few questions.

    First, even if you did not mean for it to be taken this way, I must admit you really insulted "thin" girls in your post. You basically made it seem like girls who are thin are not as attractive as girls you have deemed "fit". You have made it so that girls who are thin are below girls or women who work out. To be honest Jessica Alba is a thin women, why? because she is small in stature. She is not very tall and she is not fat which means she is thin, which shouldn't be an insult. you basically are making a statement that if you are naturally thin and didn't "work for it" you aren't as important.How do you think thin women would feel if they knew they weren't as valued? Or if they were naturally born to be very slender and tried to gain weight but just couldn't, then where do they stand next to women like the ones you've pointed to?

    Second, after saying that women shouldn't be exploited you have basically deemed one type of figure better then the other by claiming that if women just worked out they would look like these celebs you mention above. part of these women jobs is to look like that. It is also a matter that they have good genes. Not every women will look like that no matter how much she works out if she doesn't have good genetics. She will lose weight, yes, but she will never have these kind of bodies. Genetics make up 50% of what your body will look like and what will and wont work for it. Since we do not live in a hemogenous society where genes are not mixed very much we do not all look the same. Due to the "mixing pot" of America genes are now being cross breeded every year to mix different genetic backgrounds together. Since we do not all look the same it be rediculous to expect us all to weigh the same. Sure it's important to work out and eat right for your health, not so you weigh 109 pounds.

    Maybe I just took this post wrong but honestly it made me ashamed that I do not look like any of the women you posted even tho I've always been the size and shape I am now. I tried for this not to be a fattie grunge wank but honestly it's upsetting to see women tell each other that they are not good enough. Oh, and the PCD don't look like that because they dance, they work out at a gym which they are paid to. It's the same reason why flight attendance crew must already fit the uniform before they get hired, because that's what they are paid to look like.

  2. You took the meaning of this blog completely wrong! I was in no way attacking naturally thin women or women of a larger stature. I will admit I could have worded my opening statement better, but I was not saying anyone that is naturally thin or larger is not as valued as people who work out. Also, in no way was I saying that you WILL look like these celebrities I was saying you CAN if you work at it. And even though it is in their job description to look this way, they don't have to. There are many larger celebrities in Hollywood. So you know... Jessica Beil works out an hour and a half a day, many middle class people already do that or choose not to do that, her work outs are just intense and she does them without a personal trainer on top of it.

    As far as Jessica Alba goes, just because she is short in NO way means that it is the reason she is slim. I know many people and a majority of the over weight women are 5'5'' and under! Height has nothing to do with the weight. She gained weight during her pregnancy and lost it through working out and eating right. And like I said before, it is part of their job to look good and you don't have to look like them to be able to feel good or show off. I know many beautiful thick women. Genetics do have a big say but today's environment has a bigger say. There have been many recent studies to prove that.

    The PCD do work out outside of dancing as well but they must be fit to do their dances. They are all dancers; they have backgrounds of dancing through out their lives. I was saying dancing every day is one way they help to stay fit, not that it is all they do to stay fit. Beyonce does the same thing; she started doing her dancing routines 2 hours a day to stay fit for one of her upcoming shows.

    You took everything I said completely out of context. Your comment was completely rude and insulting to me to say that I am insulting and undermining other women that are naturally thin or thick. I adore the people that work out to better themselves, even if they don't become thin like a celebrity. And I did not say you have to eat right and work out to weigh 109 pounds. You made that up yourself, so maybe that is what you think of when you image people working out and watching what they eat. I push eating right because it disgusts me that the average age of the start of high cholesterol and bypass surgeries due to clogged arteries has dropped from 25 to 13!!! Most children are just starting puberty!

    For flight attendants, I have not looked in to that, but you are in a tight space and active so being large would make that job difficult, I have seen thicker flight attendants though so I am not so sure where you got that information. But, I will definitely look into it. What I do know is flight attendants must be healthy to perform CPR or assist someone in an emergency situation.

    For the record, I don't think everyone should be the same size. I just want people to be healthy and for those who don't care I want them to see how hard it is. I am 145 pounds and proud to say it. So clearly I don't think 109 pounds is the way to go, I have muscle and am proud of it. I understand how hard it is to gain weight and lose it. I am not a "skinny" person, but to larger people I am. And I am tired of hearing them calling me and other people "skinny bitches" and then complaining they can't lose weight when they eat ice cream, brownies, donuts, and other high fat processed foods daily.

    I was simply trying to say respect the hard work that people put into their health no matter what size they are, don't call them things like "skinny bitches", tiny, and so on just because you may not like the way they look.

  3. I love this blog! I feel that there are not enough 'fit' women advertised, and when they are, there is no talk about what they did to get there, especially with all the fitness myths out there. People just don't understand how they became 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 pounds overweight. They think that if they eat less they will weigh less, which is actually the opposite. Americans spend over 1 billion dollars on weight loss products every year, yet we are still the fattest, most unhealthy developed country in the world. We get ridiculous nutrisystem and hydroxycut commercials thrown in our faces every day. I know for a fact that hollywood women don't use this stuff, they have an exercise and diet regimen that they follow every day. The women in the gym that come to me for personal training help don't know this because it's hidden. They think that they can exercise a little bit, buy some weight loss pills and eat less and they will look great which is totally 100% not true. It takes a tremendous amount of will power, dedication, and planning to have a healthy body for life. Oh, and by the way, those pills and weight loss products are crap, they don't even have to be approved by the FDA because they aren't considered food or medicine. These companies can put dirt in their pills for all we know. I definitely wish that the public could see just how much time and dedication it takes to be a healthy person, and how it can become second nature if you make it a lifestyle.
