Thursday, November 12, 2009

Being Positive and Successful Can Happen!!!

Recently in class we discussed all of the talk shows on television that are so negative, but try to say they are helping people. Shows such as Oprah, Jerry Springer, Dr. Phil, and so on. The networks say that the drama of these shows pull people in to watching it, creating their revenue of money. But, I want to point someone out that is positive on every show and still makes a very good amount of money, Ellen DeGeneres. In my opinion she is more interesting to watch opposed to all of the drama shows that discuss horrible life situations of the guests and the talk show hosts. Ellen uses a lot of comedy on each of her shows, allows of lot of children to show off their talents and interacts with her crowd a lot. She makes fun of a lot of infomercials and people doing things for attention. She points out most of the stupidity and laziness of a majority of America. For example; she had an episode where she ordered the Hawaiian Chair, it is a chair that supposedly works your abdominal muscles while you are being sedentary at work. She got someone out of the audience to ask their opinion of the chair as well and they sat in it trying to function, but had a pretty hard time doing so. She was discretely pointing out how it was a very unintelligent idea. Watch the video and see for yourself.

Another show that I watched of hers that really caught my attention was when she sang in the bathroom with the singer Pink. They were making fun of two girls that call themselves "Rin on the Rox", that started making home videos of themselves singing in the bathroom. Even though they are not bad singers, you wonder why they may be wasting their time singing in the bathroom!!

Even though Ellen made fun of them she eventually invited them to come on the show. My main point to this blog is to make people see that funny and non-dramatic television shows can be successful. You do not have to include negative and depressing stories on just so people will watch the show. Do you feel that drama is the only thing that attracts the audience or is it something else?

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