Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Defining Masculinity...

Many people know that the media targets and victimizes women. But, what most people do not realize, is that men are strongly targeted and victimized by them as well. When people see ads that have a man dominating a woman or two men fighting over a woman, they assume that the woman is the only victim of the commercial. But, they target the men in reality by showing them what a "real man" does to get what he wants. So in turn, both men and women may possibly become victims of a real reckless act. Many advertisements show athletic/physically strong men accomplishing something due to their physique. So men are victims because they are being told that if they are not strong, they will not be considered a "real man" and will most likely not succeed. A person can become a victim by being mentally or physically abused which many advertisements are doing both.

I believe advertisement agencies are now reaching out to the "weaker" crowd of men in a new way. Now, advertisement agencies like Viagra and Enzyte are showing commercials with "nerdy" and less physically fit men. But, they are showing these nerds how to give women "what they really want"... A larger penis and more exciting, longer lasting sex. So, these companies are trying to pass the message that you may not have to be that young, successful, and attractive to succeed. Pretty much all you need is large male parts and performance in bed for you to be desired by women and envied/admired by others.

Watch this Enzyte commercial below and try to notice all of the targets in the advertisements. It opens to a large man sleeping at his desk during a party. And the women at the party are talking to them until Bob comes in and rumors start to spread of his stamina and new size. See what else you may notice that targets certain men.

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