Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A new series with a new message.

For those of you that are not familiar with the Fox series Bones, it is about a brilliant anthropologist, Dr. Temperance Brennan and her FBI agent partner Seeley Booth (Booth) that constantly solve crimes by studying remains of the human body. Dr. Brennan receives the nick name "Bones" because studying human bones is her passion, hence the name of the series.

Bones is brilliant, head strong, physically strong, and independent. In this series she is constantly jumping into investigations no matter how dangerous they may be. Constantly through the series Booth tries to protect her, but she continuously insists that she can handle herself and does not back down and the show is going into season five. I believe this show is spreading a new message, that women can protect themselves and be fearless. Women are constantly taken advantage of because they were taught to express so much fear and emotion, leading in men coming to their rescue. Unlike men, who were taught not show much emotion at all. In this series Bones constantly rejects the thought of emotion, such as sadness, anger, and so on. She analyzes every situation before showing any form of emotion. Now, some of you may be thinking, well she is single, smart, and completely focused on her job, which leads to the reason she is so successful. But, coming into season five she asks Booth to donate sperm so he will give his good genes to her child. She does not rely on a man to have her child or help her take care of it and she still has full intentions of remaining dedicated and focused on her career while mothering a child alone. Even though Booth is offering and desperately wants to help raise the child she insists that he should not be involved.

I think the producers of this show are subtly showing women that they can be successful while having a family and we can be strong in many ways. It is okay to show emotion but we should analyze the situation and make sure we are reacting with in reason. This series focuses on Dr. Brennan and she has hardly shown any signs of weakness, besides her love for Booth, whom she has constantly saved and protected in the series. They have equally rescued each other in this series so far. And I believe it will continue to be this way. In my opinion, this show lets women see that it is possible to have a family and be focused on their career. Also, Booth's character may be a message to men that it is okay to let the woman take charge, just be there to back her up when she needs it, just as she will be there for them. And, it is alright to be involved in your child's life with out being seen as a "Mr. Mom"

This is a great show and I would like you to watch a show from the series to give me your opinion on the message being spread.

This episode shows Brennan's strength, hope you enjoy it!!

1 comment:

  1. While I've never seen the show Bones (I'm more into discovery channel or I'm doing other stuff to catch a regular tv scheduled programming), I do think it's important to show women as strong esp. on t.v. Like someone else said in their blog, sex in the city is a show in my opinion that does not empower women and their sexuality since these women are still looking for Mr. RIGHT. Or the article that talks about Living single.

    Yet,with the character of 'bones' is that while she's smart and career orientated and all it's a bit off putting that she isn't emotional. I don't personally think it's a problem but I think with the image of women in media it's a problem. This dichotomy of the sexy librarian/headstrong macho image of women is what really hurts women because it still makes them an object of sexuality and generalizations.

    If she's too sexy then we see a problem because it creates an image of women in a negative light but if we still use this "headstrong" model she becomes a figure of coldness and a negative image of women who work and progress in their careers. I think media really needs to come out with this balance image. Of a woman that works outside the house or is a major player in her work force yet is able to separate herself from needing a man yet regularly dates. Or she may have a husband or children. While these shows aren't always successful examples would be like Medium, where the wife works outside the home and plays an important role but is still a figure in raising her house hold.

    Yet, I think she is a entertaining character and that clip seems really interesting!
