Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What they forgot to mention...

THE SWINE FLU!!! Also known as H1N1, is a newly discovered virus that has millions of people terrified for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. The reason so many people are terrified of this illness is because they have only been presented with horrible facts, and over exaggerated fear. Constantly in the news we hear, "expected to kill over 10,000 people this year" and we hear about how contagious it is. People all over the country are taking these opinions from the media and saying they are fact just because they are publicly announced. The media is scaring people into buying so many unnecessary items such as hand sanitizer, face masks, gloves, and so much more. They are making you think if you don't spend your money to protect yourself you will become viciously ill, have rights to go out taken away, or die. This video provides me with proof that the media is manipulating.

Notice in the video the interviewee says, "Now we are not trying to scare the public...". In my opinion, he says that, so people who eat out of the palms of the media masterminds will believe him, so they will fall in to their trap. When the media first began speaking of the Swine Flu (H1N1) they immediately advised people to increase their hygiene, resulting in the sell out of anti bacterial products and over the counter medicines.

What the media failed to mention was the over use of antibacterial products and using antibiotics when unnecessary will eventually INCREASE your chances of catching this virus. And not only will it eventually harm you, it will make your body work harder to fight off the virus, decreasing your chance of winning the fight. Your skin has good and bad bacteria on it constantly. The good bacteria is what destroys the germs that get onto your skin. But when you use antibacterial products the alcohol in it kills both good and bad bacteria, there for it rids us of our first defense mechanism against this virus. Then, when antibiotics are over used, the body will eventually become immune to them and they will no longer have an effect in helping the body. So when it comes time to use them to help fight the virus, they will most likely not have much effect at all. Leaving most or all of the fighting to the natural defensed of the body.

The media also fails to mention that the Influenza also known as the common flu, hospitalizes and kills more than 200,000 people a year. The swine flu may infect and kill an estimated 9,000 people this year, that's more than ten times less than the common flu, which we have a vaccine for. Also, the common cold, kills an average of 4,500 people a year, so far the swine flu has claimed 900 lives. But, most of the people that were killed were either in Mexico, with little to no health care or had another health issue and the swine flu just increased their chances of death. The media has advertised the swine flu symptoms over and over, but they are almost exactly the same as the common flu! They are both contagious, are transferred from human to human, and affect the respiratory system. Also, their have been reports of many people that have caught the swine flu have recovered with no medical treatment. Here is some further research and a video to help you create your own opinion on the danger of swine flu.

I hope after all this information that you have created your own opinion on how "dangerous" this swine flu really is. If you really want to protect yourself you should wash your hands with soap with out antibacterial substance in it because it cleans your hands just as well, but with out killing the good bacteria. Spread the message to your friends to create their own opinion by getting the real facts.

Honestly, this "pandemic" of the new virus may just be a way for the government to make money. Think about it.


  1. Your blog was very informative about the Swine Flu (H1N1), however I am not sure what message is being conveyed about women in the media.

  2. This blog was not about the messages the media has about women. This was more to show how the media manipulates stories and does not include all of the fact. Also, how they make something so small and of little importance seem like such a big deal. Sometimes resulting in money production for certain companies.

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