Thursday, December 3, 2009

Well Past Her "Sell By" Date.

Meryl Streep is a 60 year old female actress still playing lead romantic roles in huge hit movies!! She is a strong woman fighting the idea that she is to old to be romantically involved with someone in a film. She has recently played in Momma Mia, The Devil Wears Prada, and the new movie coming to theaters, It's Complicated. In these movies she is a strong independent woman facing some romantic issues with men from her past and present. Most women her age do not play such roles. They are usually mothers or saints of some kind, but she showed Hollywood! Below is a preview to her most recent movie coming to theaters, It's Complicated. This will show you how no matter her age, she is still spunky, in action, and highly romantically involved.

This movie looks great. She plays a divorced older woman that is desired by multiple men! She is still having fun and experiencing life after what most women take as a tragedy they can not get through! Meryl Streep is a great actress and I hope she begins to set a trend for Hollywood's older women. Showing that they can still be desired in movies just as most older men are. She told the magazine Vanity Fair that she passed her "sell by" date and shocked many people in Hollywood with her recent lead romance roles. I hope she continues to shock them because this is a great positive image for women every where.

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